Ep #09: Kicking cancer in the balls with music video parodies

Today you’re going to learn how music can be used to fight the evils of cancer. Kyle Smith founded an organization called Check 15 to promote cancer awareness every month, because it’s not enough to address cancer once a year. Kyle should know, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and finding it early saved his life. This episode is all about how Kyle and Check 15 are creating music video parodies to grab people’s attention and build momentum around their incredibly righteous cause. Oh and listen close to how many ball jokes we make...there’s sort of a Where’s Waldo going on in the back ground. Enjoy!


  • How Kyle is using music video parodies and other content to kick cancer right where it counts
  • All about Kyle's personal bout with cancer and how it inspired a movement
  • Check 15's powerful yet practical call to action for boys and girls everywhere (not just testicular cancer btw)
  • What a right radical orchiectomy is...finally!
  • How music mixed with a little humor can help us approach a serious topic like cancer and make it accessible and less scary to discuss
  • BONUS: Listen close and count the number of ball jokes we drop throughout....whoops there's one!

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