Ep #08: Super Stolie and her musical journey

As musicians we’re taught to treat music as a business, to sell and market ourselves, to have a product and a brand. But it’s so easy to forget about the artistic process, the fun part, seeing where the journey takes us! Right? In this episode I’m talking with a Rebecca Stoelinga who is pursuing her musical dream by simply following her nose and seeing where the music takes her. A few years ago she found success writing and performing kids music as Super Stolie. Now she's in Mexico writing bilingual music and performing for adults. Who knows where she'll be in a month. This is Super Stolie and her magical musical journey!


  • How to pay attention to what's right in front of you (very important for musicians/artists)
  • About Rebecca's musical journey and her current adventure in Mexico
  • The coworker's dream that convinced her to pursue kid's music
  • About the library circuit within kid's music and it's seedy underbelly
  • Rebecca's musical bucket list
  • BONUS: Rebecca shares an inspirational poem...free art for you!!!

Links and Resources Mentioned:

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